In Luke 2 and Mark 12, we are introduced to an unnamed woman, an overlooked character, a forgotten widow.

As Jesus is in the Temple observing givers give their offerings, he witnesses this widow give two small mites (coins). Hear the power of Jesus' statement of this woman's act:

"...This widow has given by far the largest offering today. All these others made offerings that they'll never miss; she gave extravagantly what she couldn't afford - she gave her all!" Luke 12:1-4 MSG 

The beauty of this solitary moment in history is that we see this woman give sacrificially, out of her love for God. And more than that, God saw and took note - not just saw, but recorded it in the pages of history.

Annually, Indiana A/G Women "adopt" a cause, a project, a group that we are compelled by God to bless with an offering. Our challenge to you is to give, to give your best, to give a gift, not from your surplus, but from your heart. And trust that God will see and will acknowledge for all time your sacrifice of love.


The ministry of Project Rescue exists to find, rescue, and help girls on their journey to full restoration from the horrors of sex trafficking. They offer culturally informed, holistic care to courageous survivors by providing homes, vocational training, trauma counseling, direct intervention, awareness, and prevention education.

Together, we will help bring hope and freedom to some of the darkest corners of the world. With God, all things are possible!

Join Indiana A/G Women in our goal to raise $15,000 this year! 

The Mite Offering will be collected at Vital Conference on Saturday, September 30. Let's work together to make a powerful difference in the lives of girls and women around the world!


In 2022, Indiana A/G Women raised over $12,000 for the renovations of the WM Cabin at Lake Placid Christian Conference Center. We are excited to see these renovations create an inviting space that will benefit women's leaders and camp workers for years to come!